
Consciousness Raising: Its Time Has Come Again

by Alice Fisher. M.S.W.

Like many women my age, I participated in the feminist consciousness raising movement of the sixties. It was a powerful vehicle for exploring our innermost feelings about being women, mothers, daughters, wives, and our role in society. For many of us it was the first time we confronted the issue of misogyny (or even knew what it meant) and, not the least, got to touch our own misogynist inclinations having grown up in a male dominant society.

Here I am over 40 years later doing the same thing. Only this time, the topic that my consciousness raising group is exploring is ageism and what it means to grow old. A main difference between our aging consciousness raising group and the feminist groups of the past is that the group is made up of both men and women. Aging makes no gender distinction, and we all grew up in this virulent youth culture that says young equals good and old equals…well, let’s say, not so good. We are a 10-person group, aged 60 to 85. We meet every week for 1-1/2 hours. In order to make it easier for the group, we meet in person every other week. On the weeks in between, we connect virtually through our computers. To our surprise, this has proved to work remarkably well. Our hope is that as we confront our own ageist attitudes we will be able to change the way we perceive aging ourselves and hopefully change society’s ageist attitude towards the old and elderly.

Ageism is an interesting prejudice. Aging is the common denominator for everyone who is born. If fortunate, we are all going to get old. We are all going to die. So being judgmental about people just because of their age, or their wrinkles, or their slower pace, is sowing the seeds for our own internalized ageism.

As we progress in our own consciousness raising initiative, we are creating a manual detailing how to start an aging consciousness raising group so that others can benefit from the work we are doing and to guide them in starting their own groups. Our experience is sometimes smooth flowing and other times bumpy. It is our intention to smooth out all the bumps before we pass the information along to others who have an interest in doing this work.

So, what do we talk about in these sessions? Sometimes we have a topic prepared so that members can reflect on it before we meet. Other times the issue that we begin talking about arises organically out of conversation…many times it is a question that someone asks or a situation in which they find themselves and feel that age or ageism is part of the problem. Recently, we spent two entire sessions on the topic of “help”…how we ask for help, how we offer help. Which is better…being independent or interdependent? Most of us were raised to value autonomy. The message was that we should be able to do everything by ourselves. To ask for help was a sign of weakness. As we age, do we still feel that way? What makes it easier for us to accept help? Many of us have experienced push back from our own parents when we determined that they could no longer function on their own.

We talk about the elders with whom we have had relationships and how those relationships shaped our thinking about aging. We share stories. We share our innermost feelings about our own aging. And, we talk about the advantages of being old and the contribution that older adults give to society. Sometimes we are exploring new territory, and sometimes we are looking at relics that are outdated. We have noted the conflation of the aged and the disabled. Does someone’s physical abilities make them either old or young? What about the older adult who has an expansive mind, always curious, always learning? Is she defined by her wrinkles or her mind? We are all guilty of ageism at one time or another.

I’ll end this with a personal story. My husband and I had the opportunity to be with old friends that we had not seen for a very long time. On the way home, our conversation started something like this; “Did you see Kathy? Doesn’t she look great!” “Yeah, but did you see Susan; she is not aging well at all?” “I can’t believe Joe uses a walker to get around. He was such a great athlete.” “But then there’s Dan who looks so young for his age.” In mid-sentence I stopped myself. “Can you believe where we are going with this conversation?” I asked. “What ageists we are”. The first thing we noticed was how young or how old everyone looked. No mention of who accomplished what or overcame obstacles in their lives.

We immediately went for the jugular because we are both in the same consciousness raising group.  We were able to catch ourselves and reflect on how automatically we were equating the way our friends looked with how old they are. Why does Dan have to look good for his age? Can’t he just look good! How do we know that Susan is not aging well? Just because she has more wrinkles on the outside has nothing to do with how she feels or who she is on the inside. We just automatically went into our own ageist rant.

Would we have recognized the ageist language we were using if we weren’t part of an ageing consciousness raising group? I doubt it. Finally, from another group member who had previously told us how she detested anyone who offered her a seat on the subway because it made her feel old. After only a couple of sessions, she said, “I actually accepted the offer of a seat on the train today,and I felt quite good about it. I don’t think I would have been so gracious if we had not been discussing these issues.”

A Message from Alice Fisher

You may know me as the Director of Community Outreach for NYS Senator Liz Krueger, or you may have worked with me in the Senator’s office on issues that affect our senior constituents on quality of life or housing issues, or you may have attended one of our popular Roundtables for Boomers & Seniors. What you may not know is that for the past year and a half I have been working on my own initiative, The Radical Age Movement, outside of Liz’s office and with her full support.


The Radical Age Movement is a grassroots nationwide effort that challenges traditional notions of aging.  Our long term goal is to create new social visions that will inspire and support people to grow and participate actively throughout their entire lives. No age-segregation or pitting generation against generation—we want a society that works for us all. Our short term goal is to bring awareness to the incessant ageism that permeates our youth-oriented society.

The Radical Age Movement was born out of my deep interest in longevity and its impact on society. One thing that became clear to me is that our longer life span has not added years onto the end of our lives but has opened a new stage of life for people between the ages of 60 and 80.  Once part of our nation’s cohort of seniors, these people are not ready to leave the workforce, play golf or bingo, nor be segregated from the intergenerational world around them. We are eager to keep on growing and learning, as well as mentoring and sharing our wealth of life experience. A big concern for this cohort is how we will be able to financially take care of our needs in this longer lifetime when the workforce has turned its back on us. We are a new cohort in the life span, so new that nobody knows what to call us. We don’t even know what to call ourselves. Sometimes we are the “old boomers” or the “young seniors” or the “leading edge”. Whatever we call ourselves, we are here to stay; and we need to raise our voices to make ourselves and our needs known.

The other driving factor for many of us is the recent caregiving experiences we have had or are having with helping our own parents navigate the end of some very long lives. Not liking the ageist attitudes that we have to battle to be sure that they receive the respect and care that they need, not to mention the financial resources that have gone beyond their own means, to help guide them to the end of life with the dignity and respect they deserve.


This past fall, The Radical Age Movement (RA) went public with the launch of our website, RA has had a busy 2015. We held two public events, one on January 13th, “Liberating the Power of Age, attended by over 100 people at the Ethical Culture Society of NY; and on February 21st  60 people attended a four hour “Age Café” workshop on ageism.

At both of our recent events, people shared their own stories of the difficulties they have confronted, or the humiliation and anger they have felt, in the face of ageism in the workplace, in healthcare, in the media, and often within their own families.


Consciousness Raising (CR) is the method that is central to building our movement. This model of organizing–built around consciousness-raising groups where the ‘personal is political’– follows on the powerful work of the civil rights’, women’s, and LGBT movements, where small groups formed to discuss, understand, and acknowledge the mix of external and internal dynamics that contribute to a group’s marginalization and oppression. As those group members met and learned from each other over a number of months, they then came together to create a common campaign that united them all in joint action. This mix of personal development and political reform made lasting change as the movements grew from small numbers to a strong force capable of creating lasting change.

We have had many requests from people around NYC to join a CR group, and RA has decided to serve as a clearing house of sorts to help individuals either start their own or find and join a CR group that is forming.

For anyone who is interested, just email us at . Please be sure to put “ consciousness raising ” or “ CR” in t he subject of your email and include your home address . We are trying our best to connect people to groups that are in their geographic location. We, the steering committee of RA, have been participating in our own CR group for the past year. We have two additional groups forming now, one on the upper west side and one on the east side of Manhattan. We have people expressing interest from Lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and as far away as Poughkeepsie. If your group is newly forming, one of RA’s steering committee members will be happy to attend your first meeting to help you get started. Our guide, “How to Start an Ageing Consciousness Raising Group” should be up on our website,, within the next two weeks.  Groups that want to get started before that  will be provided with advance copies of the guide.


While these CR meetings are going on throughout March, April, and into May, the RA steering committee will be reviewing what larger campaign issue we wish to take on as our first initiative. A small sample of some of the suggestions that we are considering are: a campaign against an ageist ad campaign or other ageist me- dia representation of older adult; a politician who uses ageist language; a campaign to get news outlets to al- ter their language when identifying an older person, and many others. We will then bring all our CR groups together to choose such a campaign and map out next steps.

In short, we are doing just what the civil, women and gay rights’ movements did many years ago, using their lessons to guide and inspire us as we build our own movement here in the 21st century. This is an exciting prospect, built on lessons of the past and small steps by each of us in our own way. We know that some of you will become one of those emerging leaders who takes this step by hosting an evening CR session. And, we look forward to having the rest of you join us in this effort. Through such commitment, history is made.

March 9, 2015